The Twenty-Sided Die Emoji

a red twenty-sided die

My new emoji proposition is a twenty-sided die, otherwise known as a d20. It's commonly used in tabletop games, particularly tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), and is synonymous with such communities. I chose this as my proposed emoji because TTRPGs have played a major part in my life as a source of escapism and creativity. I'm typically a fairly quiet and subdued person, and it's rare for me to feel comfortable in really any situation that involves other people, especially creatively. Through these types of games however, I've found a community of people like me. I've been able to meet several great friends through my experiences with these games, and they've served as an outlet for creating art that I would feel too discouraged to share otherwise. This community has become a massive positive force in my life and these games are incredibly important to me; and, as I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling this way, I believe that an emoji representing this community would be nice to have.